About Tenants

This page contains a list of current premises tenants in the Alekseevskaya Tower Business Center.
You can find a partner or a client here.

PLAYFIT - fitness

Profile:  “PLAYFIT” is a territory for conscious work on your body and spirit, with a total area of ​​777 m2. Fitness club is located in a picturesque area near VDNKh metro station in the Business Center "Alekseevskaya tower". A team of professionals with successful experience in developing the largest fitness networks in Russia, involving powerlifting champions as leading consultants, worked on PlayFit creation.


Each zone is equipped with necessary facilities for comfortable and safe training: a cozy room for group training, a gym with a cardio zone, and a free weight room as well.
Floor:  3

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business center
Alex Tower

phones: 8 (968) 378-88-25 & 8 (495) 641-59-78

129164, Moscow, Rocket Blvd. 16